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Go to the shopHair and nail wellness strips are typically dietary supplements designed to support hair and nail health. These strips often contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that promote growth, strength, and overall health.
Natural Biotin: Sesebania extract contains natural biotin, it improves bodies keratin
infrastructure promotes health hair growth and reduces hair fall .
Pumpkin seed oil:A DHT blocker proven to improve hair thinning and promotes hair
Nettle leaf extract: It contains silica, reinforcing hair and nails and stimulating hair growth
by enhancing blood circulation. A DHT blocker proven to improve hair thinning and
promotes hair growth.
Biotin improves bodies keratin infrastructure promotes health hair growth and
reduces hair fal.
Folic acid:
Folic acid helps in increasing red blood cells in the body, it can quicken the
process of cell division, which promotes healthy and lustrous hair growth.
Vitamin D3:strengthens hair follicle and reduce hair loss
Zinc:strengthens hair follicle and reduce hair loss.
Biotin for hair wellness:Biotin (also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H) is a water-soluble vitamin that serves as an
essential cofactor for carboxylase enzymes in multiple metabolic pathways processes
including gluconeogenesis, fatty acid synthesis, and amino acid catabolism. Biotin's function
in protein synthesis and more specifically, in keratin production have a vital role which
showing importance in hair & nail wellness.
Biotin deficiency can be either acquired or congenital.
Causes for acquired biotin deficiency:
1. A commonly documented cause of acquired biotin deficiency is secondary to
increased raw egg consumption. The protein avidin, found in raw egg whites, can be
denatured through cooking, but when uncooked, this protein binds to biotin tightly
preventing it from being used as an essential cofactor.
2. Patients taking anticonvulsant medications, such as valproic acid, can also become
deficient, and therefore, are prophylactically administered biotin.
3. Additional causes of acquired biotin deficiency include states of alcoholism or
pregnancy, other medications, such as isotretinoin, impaired intestinal absorption, or
prolonged use of antibiotics interrupting normal gut flora.
Causes for congenital biotin deficiency:
Congenital or genetic biotin deficiency is due to an autosomal recessive trait leading
to a lack of either holocarboxylase synthase or biotinidase.
Whether acquired or congenital, typical symptoms of biotin deficiency include alopecia, eczematous skin rashes, seborrheic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and multiple neurological symptoms, such as depression, lethargy, hypotonia, and seizures. While the neurological symptoms occur at more severe levels of biotin deficiency, the dermatological manifestations often appear first and are therefore an important indicatorFor patients with inherited enzyme deficiency, larger doses of biotin supplementation are recommended (from 10,000 to 30,000 μg/day). Those with brittle nail syndrome and other underlying hair pathologies, such as uncombable hair syndrome, require much lower doses ofbiotin supplementation ranging from 300 to 3,000 μg/day.
Take one strip per day at your convenient time.
Place one Hair & Nail wellness strip on your tongue and allow it to dissolve
Don’t fold strip keep as it is, don’t chew or crush just allow it dissolve in saliva
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